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Nuovo benchmark per la sezione audio: RightMark 3DSound 1.0

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05.11.2003 - Nuovo benchmark per la sezione audio: RightMark 3DSound 1.0

Il nuovo benchmark( RightMark 3DSound 1.0)permette di testare la sezione audio del vostro PC.
Ecco le caratteristiche salienti:
DirectSound diagnostics: hardware functions output to specified DirectSound device;
EAX1, EAX2, EAX3, EAX4 support check;
DirectSound3D positioning quality check, vertical plane supported;
EAX2 and EAX3 reverb, occlusions and obstructions;
CPU load measurements with different amounts of DirectSound and DirectSound3D buffers and EAX2 reverb;
Special CPU load statistics manipulation, average and dispersion values, added batch test mode;

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