- German translation updated.
- Back-propagated some improvements and fixes from 5.10-5.10.2 beta releases:
- SSH core and private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to PuTTY 0.69. It brings the following change:
- WinSCP should work with MIT Kerberos again, after DLL hijacking defences broke it.
- TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.2l.
- Allow using 64-bit version of PuTTY (and its tools), when available. 1522
- XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.2.1.
- Bug fix: Scripting open command without arguments issued irrelevant warning about use of stored site.
- Bug fix: Generated code uses TransferOptions.Speed instead of TransferOptions.SpeedLimit. 1543