Changes: It's Santastic!
Actions: increase/decrease tempo various amounts
Arrange: clicking below tracks follows mouse preference for track selection
API: TrackFX_FormatParamValue works for current values on most VSTs
API: track receives are now stored in order
Batch file converter: fixed list flickering during conversions
Batch file converter: options to force channels, rate, resample mode
Batch file converter: safer threading on media opening
Batch file converter: support sidechaining when using FX
Color themes: classic (1.x) theme support improvements
Cursors: themeable cursors on Windows (soon for OSX)
Dual trim/timestretch: allow editing left, right, or dual edges regardless of selection
Elastique Pro: updated to v2.11, added Synchronized modes
Explode by channel: handle custom media item take playback rates
Explode by channel: use project file format setting for exploded media items
FIPM: item y-position/height adjustments affect all selected items regardless of visibility
FX automation: better handling of very sharp envelope changes
MIDI editor: action to split notes on grid
MIDI editor: better behaviors when editing notes while quantize/humanize dialog open
MIDI editor: customizable toolbar, armable actions
MIDI editor: better behavior when resizing notes to loop start/end
MIDI editor: more consistent shift+click note selection behavior
MIDI export: more descriptive error message on failure
OSX: better handling of queued repeated-key events
OSX: default file menu is now the same as Windows (minus Quit)
OSX: fixed issue with dragdrop of fx and autoclose fx window option enabled
OSX: improved redraw of many composited plug-in windows
OSX: virtual keyboard fixes for held keys repeating note hits
ReaControlMIDI: always send bank select message when program changes
ReWire: opening panels on project load is deferred until load completed
TCP: clicking below all TCPs unselects all tracks
Toolbar: preferences to prevent scaling buttons up and/or down
Toolbar: support for separators
Toolbar: themeable armed toolbar button color
Toolbar icon picker: better resize/scrollbar behavior
Version check: made notification dialog bigger
WavPack: updated to 4.60.1