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Release Notes - AMD Catalyst 14.11.1 beta

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AMD Catalyst 14.11.1 beta
  • Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare performance optimizations
  • Assassin’s Creed Unity performance optimizations

Known Issues

  • Occasional stuttering in Assassin’s Creed Unity in CrossFire mode under specific game settings
  • Small chance of intermittent screen tearing or corruption in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare on high settings 4K resolution in AMD CrossFire mode
  • Quad CrossFire AMD Radeon R9 295X2 may sometimes black screen when loading a game in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
  • AMD Radeon R9 280X/280 may experience a crash when playing Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and a video at the same time. If you experience this issue a work around is turning off the video while playing the game.
  • CrossFire users may experience intermittent flickering in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare menus. As a work around if this issue is seen restarting the game may cause the issue to disappear.

Important Notes

AMD is currently working with Activision to resolve the following issues in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare:

  • Users in AMD CrossFire mode sometimes experience texture corruption
  • Negative scaling sometimes being observed at specific resolutions with AMD CrossFire

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