- New: _install.cmd and _uninstall.cmd renamed to what they really do: _service_register.cmd and _service_deregister.cmd; _start.cmd and stop.cmd renamed to _service_start.cmd and _service_stop.cmd to fit in the new naming scheme
- New: For sections and values there is no more need for numbering; For unnumbered sections the order of appearence is what counts
- New: Ballontips show in the icon if a USB drive is running at Full-, High-Speed, SuperSpeed or SuperSpeedPlus
- New: Ballontips on removal with information if the removal was safe or not (still need translations for new texts)
- New: Compact balloon tips for multi-slot card readers if only one slot has a media present
- New: Balloontips can be customized way more flexible
- New: AutoDismount
- New: Suppressing Windows Balloontips works under Windows 10
- Bugfix: After a successful request for a password sometimes no drive letter was assigned
- Bugfix: Removal Policy was written to the registry even no OptimizeUsbDrivesForSpeed parameter was configured