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Release Notes - NGO ATI Optimized Driver 1.5.13 - Windows 2000/XP

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NGO ATI Optimized Driver 1.5.13 - Windows 2000/XP
* Updated base to ATI Catalyst 5.13
* Updated ATI Control Panel to v6.4.10.5173
* Updated ATI Tray Tools to v1.0.4.780
* Updated ATI Catalyst Uninstall Utility to v6.14.10.1014
* Removed OpenGL Driver Switcher (it's now available in the files section)
* Improved Control Panel behavior
* Improved Installer
* Improved support for some legacy cards
* Improved OpenGL compatibility for Mobility/FireGL/IGP/XPRESS GPUs
* Added support for X1800/X1600/1300 GPUs
* Added support for more Mobility/FireGL/IGP/XPRESS GPUs
* Rewritten tweak code
* Pixel Shader code optimization
* Enabled DMA Copy
* Enabled KTX Buffer Region
* Disabled Programmed PCI Latency
* Enabled Adaptive Anti-Aliasing by default (Ultra Edition)
* Enabled High Quality Anisotropic Filtering by default (Ultra Edition)
* Automatic sets SystemPages for the optimal value
* General bugfixes

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