- On File Change / On Folder Connect: fix job not starting upon disk reinsertion.
- Selected Jobs + Analyze And Sync: run selected jobs sequentially, like in ver 9.
- S3: For large files, check for HTTP ranges before doing multi-part download.
- Job List: Case-insensitive ordering of text colums.
- Program Options: Move several options from General to the new Auto tab.
- Account Manager: Properly implement separation of Plain and Secure accounts.
- Account Manager: Fix not all Advanced option changes become effective on Go.
- GUI: fixed some resource and memory leaks.
- gsync /runner-service: Set Effective proxy in Runner Service, using Prog Options.
- OAuth2 dialog: improve interaction with Account Manager, ask user less.
- OneDrive: fixed error Access denied for connectoids with wrong saved endpoint.
- Update UA and Korean translations.