- Released 7 December 2019.
- Move rather than grow selection when insertion at start. Bug #2140.
- Allow target to have virtual space. Add methods for finding the virtual space at start and end of multiple selections. Feature #1316.
- SciTE on Win32 adds mouse button "Forward" and "Backward" key definitions for use in properties like user.shortcuts. Feature #1317.
- Lexer and folder added for Hollywood language. Feature #1324.
- HTML lexer treats custom tags from HTML5 as known tags. These contain "-" like "custom-tag". Feature #1299.
- HTML lexer fixes bug with some non-alphabetic characters in unknown tags. Feature #1320.
- Fix bug in properties file lexer where long lines were only styled for the first 1024 characters. Bug #1933.
- Ruby lexer recognizes squiggly heredocs. Feature #1326.
- Avoid unnecessary IME caret movement on Win32. Feature #1304.
- Clear IME state when switching language on Win32. Bug #2137.
- Fixed drawing of translucent rounded rectangles on Win32 with Direct2D. Bug #2144.
- Setting rectangular selection made faster. Bug #2130.
- SciTE reassigns *.s extension to the GNU Assembler language from the S+ statistical language.