- Temperature, bug fix, reenabled increased auto select temperature sources back to 64
- Fixed bug where Save Dashboard Image was not being saved on PASSED test when running from script and script contains the EXIT command at the end.
- Advanced Network Endpoint, updated to prevent loop running longer than necessary
- Advanced Network Endpoint, Increased wait to 20 seconds for EPs to respond to prevent 'connection reset by peer errors' for 7+ connections
- 3D Graphics DirectX 12, Increased scene complexity with Duty Cycle > 50%
- Video Playback Test, Reenabled watchdog to track video playback test and increment operation count on successful first video load
- GPGPU, If GPGPU test is selected to run, but no GPUs were tested (i.e. All GPUs matches skip list), BurnInTest will not raise the No operations during test period for the GPGPU test.
- GPGPU, Verification will attempt to map the GPU buffer to read directly, else if mapping fails, code will fall back by copying the GPU buffer to memory instead.
- Fixed bug where preset configs' description and icon are not shown in GUI for saved configuration file from older versions.