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Release Notes - DirectX Happy Uninstall 3.89

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DirectX Happy Uninstall 3.89
DirectX Happy Uninstall V3.89

1. Support Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/2003.
2. Support to DirectX9.0c( completely and safely.
3. Uninstall DirectX completely and keep your system Stability.
4. Use "Repaire of dynamic intelligence" technology, guarantee that the system and registry avoid any mistake after uninstall/restore/rollback.
5. Support uninstall different versions of DirectX.
6. Restore/Rollback original DirectX of your Win2000/XP/2003 completely.
7. The "Check DX Groupware" and "DX Diagnostic Tools" function can take you to see mistake by another DX uninstall tools
8. Have Backup funtions, it can restore the origingal files of DirectX in your 2000/XP/2003.
9. You can Rollback DirectX from your 2000/XP/2003 setup CD-ROM completely.
10. You can check uninstall/restore/rollback completely by this DirectX Happy Uninstall.
11. Uninstall DirectX very fast.

(1).Please close all of the current application before use "DirectX Happy Uninstall".
(2).If your system is Windows ME, you must turn into Safe Mode before to use.
(3)."DirectX Happy Uninstall" is shareware, all funtions is used for the registered user.
(4).You must be logged on as an Administrator, or a member of the Administrators' group to use DirectX Happy Uninstall.

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