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Release Notes - Reaper 2.032

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Reaper 2.032
  • Large tool window frames: better window sizing
  • JS: fixed spl() bug
  • Manual output offsets are now used for play cursor positioning etc
  • Improved behavior when starting playback at end of loop selection
  • Better autoseek and time selection skipping
  • Added support for VSTs to notify of parameter list changes (to preserve automation)
  • Reaeq: band deletion notification, better undo state saving when changing settings
  • Readelay, reapitch, reaxcomp: band deletion notification
  • Fixed a rare rounding bug with midi items starting on time signature changes
  • Option to disable media buffering on selected tracks
  • Midi editor: fixed doublespeed preview bug
  • Midi: option to disable trimming of midi items when splitting them

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