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Release Notes - µTorrent 1.9 build 13886 beta

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µTorrent 1.9 build 13886 beta
- Feature: NAT hole-punching (for uTP only)
- Feature: account for uTP overhead when net.calc_overhead is true
- Feature: Open URL in Browser for torrents
- Feature: Right click menu in RSS history
- Change: default net.calc_overhead to true
- Change: Red RSS icon for broken feeds
- Change: Bring back RSS icons for new and previously downloaded items
- Change: Use feed name as label to torrents downloaded via RSS
- Change: RSS dialog subscription wording
- Change: URL column in RSS history
- Change: Tweak RSS episode parser to better handle multi-episode feed items
- Fix: uTP compatibility with 1.8.1

Descrizione Download

Dimensione: N/A Annuncio

Tipo: Applicazione Altre Applicazioni

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