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Microsoft ufficializza il successore di Windows Vista: Windows 7

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14.10.2008 - Microsoft ufficializza il successore di Windows Vista: Windows 7

Microsoft ha ufficializzato la denominazione del Sistema Operativo Windows destinato a raccogliere l'eredita di Vista, mediante un intervento su (incluso anche di seguito) del dirigente Mike Nash, VP nell'ambito del Product Management per l'azienda Redmond.

Come peraltro già anticipato, MS ha scelto Windows 7 come successore di Vista. Il numero 7, in particolare, è legato al fatto che esso apre la settima generazione degli OS di casa Microsoft. E' evidente, inoltre, la volontà di distinguere il nuovo prodotto dal brand legato a Vista, anche se il relativamente recente rilascio di quest'ultimo fa ritenere Windows 7 una sorta di upgrade di Vista piuttosto che una soluzione nettamente innovativa.

Microsoft ha pianificato inizialmente il rilascio di Windows 7 per il 2010, anticipandolo poi alla seconda metà del 2009.

Originally posted at

Hi there, Mike Nash here.

For me, one of the most exciting times in the release of a new product is right before we show it to the world for the first time. And that time is right now.

In a few weeks we are going to be talking about the details of this release at the PDC and at WinHEC. We will be sharing a pre-beta "developer only release" with attendees of both shows and giving them the first broad in-depth look at what we've been up to. I can't wait for them to see it.

And, as you probably know, since we began development of the next version of the Windows client operating system we have been referring to it by a codename, "Windows 7."  But now is a good time to announce that we've decided to officially call the next version of Windows, "Windows 7."

While I know there have been a few cases at Microsoft when the codename of a product was used for the final release, I am pretty sure that this is a first for Windows. You might wonder about the decision.

The decision to use the name Windows 7 is about simplicity. Over the years, we have taken different approaches to naming Windows.  We've used version numbers like Windows 3.11, or dates like Windows 98, or "aspirational" monikers like Windows XP or Windows Vista.  And since we do not ship new versions of Windows every year, using a date did not make sense.  Likewise, coming up with an all-new "aspirational" name does not do justice to what we are trying to achieve, which is to stay firmly rooted in our aspirations for Windows Vista, while evolving and refining the substantial investments in platform technology in Windows Vista into the next generation of Windows.

Simply put, this is the seventh release of Windows, so therefore "Windows 7" just makes sense.

We are very excited about the opportunity to tell you more about Windows 7 in the coming weeks, and show you how we have continued to build on investments begun in Windows Vista to deliver on the next release of the Windows operating system.

I look forward to sharing more with you in the coming weeks and months.


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