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 AMD Opteron CPU, Mark Knopfler & Chuck Ainlay
LOS ANGELES -- February 14, 2006 --At the 48th annual Grammy Awards ceremony in Los Angeles last week, AMD64 Masters Group member Chuck Ainlay, AMD64 Premier Artist Mark Knopfler and mastering guru Bob Ludwig took home the Grammy for “Best Surround Sound Album” for their 5.1 surround sound re-mix and mastering of the Dire Straits classic album,...
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 AMD, Mark Knopfler And Crowfly Are Brothers In Arms...
Full Title: AMD, Mark Knopfler And Crowfly Are Brothers In Arms On Live Music Offering-Mark Knopfler’s Shangri-La Tour concerts recorded live on AMD64 technology, available for download on new live music service from Crowfly-NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE -- July 13, 2005 --AMD (NYSE: AMD) announced today that live musical performances from Mark Knopfler...
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