- Installation and platform support for 6
th generation Intel® Core™ processor
- Implemented/addressed the following stories/defects
- XTU ProfileHelperModel.dll is regarded as hostile by Norton Anti-Virus
- Performance improvement required for SDK initialization, Tuning, and
profile management
- XTU SDK binaries (DLL and MSM) are digitally signed
- Updated WDT driver t
- the latest version.
- When XTU is installed on the top of OEM OC application, it will cause
OEM application t
- crash
- When XTU is uninstalled, the XTU service and drivers are removed which
breaks the OEM OC application.
- XTUCLI command line option does not have a help option.
- New tuning api t
- query tuning controls individually
- Divided IntelOverclockingSdk.dll int
- tw
- modules:
IntelOverclockingSdk.dll and IntelBenchmarkSdk.dll
- Introduced new redistributable without BCLK support and BIOS support