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Pubblicità Informazioni e Release Notes del file: AMD Radeon Software Beta per Vulkan v. 16.15.1009 Ultime News
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Compatible Operating Systems

AMD Radeon Software Beta for Vulkan is designed to support the following Microsoft Windows platforms:

  • Windows 10 (32 & 64-bit version)
  • Windows 8.1 (32 & 64-bit version)
  • Windows 7 (32 & 64-bit version with SP1 or higher)

Important Notes

  • This product is based on a published Khronos specification but has not yet passed the Khronos Conformance Test Process. A fully conformant implementation of the Vulkan API will be included in a forthcoming Radeon Software release.
  • This driver is intended as beta level support for use solely with Vulkan applications and as such some Radeon Software functionality has been removed. This is including and not limited to support for other Graphics APIs, Radeon Settings and other Radeon Software driver features.

What is Vulkan?

As a complement to OpenGL, descended from AMD's Mantle, and forged by the industry, Vulkan is a powerful low-overhead graphics API that gives software developers deep control over the performance, efficiency, and capabilities of Radeon GPUs and multi-core CPUs. More information on Vulkan can be found here. More information on the latest AMD Vulkan-related news can be found here.

Known Issues

  • Some AMD PowerXpress systems may experience instability
  • Windows re-sizing in some applications may cause an application crash
  • HDMI and DP to DVI adapters on Windows 7 may intermittently cause display issues
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