- #F507, MXF: detection of HLG Transfer Characteristic
- #F508, HEVC: support of preferred_transfer_characteristics SEI (from HEVC/H.265 draft, preferred method for HLG in DVB)
- MXF: parsing of AVC descriptors and crosscheck with the essence content
- MP4: more AppleStoreCountry values mapped to countries, show the country number if unknown
- File extension: test if the file extension correspond to the container format
- AVI/WAV: test of truncated file
- MIXML output: Format_Profile divided in Format_Profile, Format_Level, Format_Tier
- ID3v2: TCAP tag is mapped to new field "PodcastCategory"
- MIXML output: some *_Original values were missing
- MXF/Teletext: was not correctly detecting non subtitle streams
- ID3v2: TP2 tag was incorrectly mapped to "Accompaniment", now mapped to "Album_Performer"
- ID3v2: TSO2 tag was incorrectly mapped to "Performer_Sort", now mapped to "Album_Performer_Sort"
- ID3v2: TCMP tag was displayed twice (2 "Compilation" lines)
- Windows version was sometimes showing a long character string in Windows explorer, changed to a shorter character string