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Pubblicità Informazioni e Release Notes del file: Passmark BurnInTest 11 build 1005 Ultime News
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  • Battery Test, Fixed battery log string being overwritten when attempting to populate it with the default value
  • Battery Test, Changed error condition when battery life test test runs over the TTI
  • Logging, Fixed issue where logo was not copied to the export location for report generation
  • Monitor Test, Added preference options to set video mode and enable/disable touch screen tests
  • NPU Test, Reduced CPU usage
  • Pre/Post Test, Fixed possible crash when set to exit on test completion
  • Video Test, Changed default file of video test from absolute to relative path
  • Updated to clear temperature/battery/CPU clock freq graphs on test reset
  • Added -W_TEMP command line argument for disabling temperature collection
  • Disabled polling CPU frequency via DirectIO driver if -W or -W_CPU is specified
  • Fixed import of V10.2.1006+ config files to V11
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