We have just added to our 3dfx Software Repository a driver release for Voodoo2 and Obsidian2 cards named "Koolsmoky Voodoo2 and Obsidian2 Glide Driver Kit @ 21/02/2010". This software until now was downloadable only visiting a thread at the enboard. While, starting from now, it is part of our repository, and so it's available for all. The file's descriptions...
Here's the latest Voodoo2 and Obsidian2 Glide Driver Kit published by
Koolsmoky at 3dfxzone.it english
forums. This package is basically a
driver for both reference 3dfx Voodoo2 graphics accelerators and Quantum3D Obsidian2 cards. It includes bleeding edge builds of 3dfx glide2x and glide3x drivers from glide.sourceforge.net...
Koolsmoky, uno dei nostri sviluppatori del software per la configurazione delle schede grafiche basate su hardware 3dfx, ha reso disponibile una nuova release del suo driver kit, pacchettizzata in due versioni. Una per le schede video basate sul chip VSA-100 (3dfx Voodoo4 e Voodoo5) ed un'altra per gli acceleratori grafici 3dfx Voodoo2.
Koolsmoky Voodoo2 Driver Test Kit is a test release that was published by Koolsmoky at our english
forums: now we give it more visibility so more
people can download and test it. This
is basically a driver for 3dfx Voodoo2 classic 3D accelerators
and for Quantum3D Obsidian2 cards. Its native design allows
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